8 Removal of Membership
A member shall cease to be a member in the following circumstances:-
8.1 If by notice in writing to the College he resigns his membership;
8.2 If his annual subscription is more than two months in arrear, or if he shall
persistently neglect or refuse to pay any other monies which may be due
from him to the College; but he may be re-admitted at any meeting of the
Council by resolution, and on paying his subscription or other dues in
8.3 If a expel resolution of the Council shall be passed by at least three-fourths
of the whole number of members of the Council depriving him of his
membership or by resolution of the College at an Extraordinary General
Meeting by at least three-fourths of the members present and voting his
membership be determined.
a、 Written notice of any proposed resolution to expel a member must be
given in writing to the Secretary General at least fourteen days before the
meeting at which such resolution is to be moved, and the Secretary
General shall inform the member of the notice at least ten days before the
day of such meeting. The member proposed to be expelled shall be entitled
to attend such meeting for the purpose of stating his reasons against such
expulsion, but he shall not be entitled to be present at the deliberation of
the meeting.
b、 The Council may in lieu of a resolution expelling such member resolve to
suspend such member as member for such period not exceeding six
months and on such terms and conditions as the Council shall deem fit and
c、 A member of the Council shall not act as a member of the Council at any
meeting at which his conduct is in question or at any meeting held to
investigate any case in which he is a complainant.
9 General Meetings
9.1 A General Meeting shall be held once in every calendar year at such time
and place as determined by the Council.
9.2 The above mentioned General Meetings shall be called Annual General
Meetings, all other General Meetings shall be called Extraordinary
9.3 All current members shall be entitled to attend General Meetings of the
9.4 The Council may, whenever they think fit, convene an Extraordinary
Meeting, and Extraordinary Meetings shall also be convened on the
requisition of not less than one-fifth of the total number of members
entitled to vote.
9.5 The General Meeting shall be the sole authority to make, alter, amend or
rescind any of these rules.
10 Notice of General Meetings
10.1 The Secretary General, on the instructions of the Council, shall prepare the
agenda of the General Meeting. No less than fourteen days advanced
notice shall be sent to every member for calling the meeting, specifying
the place, the day and the time of the meeting, and, in the case of special
business, the general nature of the business shall be given to such persons
as are, under the regulation of the College, entitled to receive such notice
from the College.
10.2 The accidental omission to give notice of a meeting to, or the non- receipt
of notice of, a meeting by any member shall not invalidate the proceedings
at any meeting.
11 Proceedings at General Meetings
11.1 The President of the College shall preside as Chair at every General
Meeting. If at any meeting the President shall not be present within 15
minutes after the time appointed for holding the meeting, or if he has
previously notified the College of his intention of not being present, the
Vice- President shall preside or if he is not present or willing to take the
chair, the meeting shall be adjourned.
11.2 Business of Annual General Meeting shall be:-
a、 to confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting and of any
intervening Extraordinary General Meeting;
b、 to consider reports of the Council and to plan policy for the future;
c、 to consider and approve the statement of account for the previous financial
year together with the report on the audit accounts of the College;
d、 to elect members of the Council biannually;
e、 to appoint or elect an auditor or auditors;
f、 to consider any other business of the College.
11.3 The business of the Extraordinary General Meeting shall be confined to
those matters specified in the agenda. Decisions reached at the
Extraordinary General Meeting shall have the same validity and authority
as decisions reached at the Annual General Meeting. Provided that, where
any alteration of the rules of the College is contemplated, such proposed
alteration shall be specifically stated in the agenda of the meeting.
11.4 The quorum for any General Meeting shall be formed by not less than 30
voting members or one- fifth of the total number of voting members,
whichever is less. All decisions of the General Meeting shall be valid if
they are made by a majority of voting members present constituting a
11.5 In the case of an equality of votes, the Chair of the meeting shall be
entitled to a second or casting vote.
11.6 If the number of voting members present at any General Meeting is
insufficient to constitute a quorum, the Council shall adjourn the meeting
for fourteen days; and the Secretary General shall serve a notice for the
adjourned General Meeting to all voting members seven days before the
date of the meeting. Whatever the number of voting members present at
the adjourned General Meeting shall constitute a quorum. All resolutions
of the adjourned General Meeting shall be valid if they are made by a
majority of voting members present at the meeting and such resolutions
shall be binding on all members. In the notice calling the adjourned
General Meeting, the provisions of this rule shall be reproduced in full for
the reference and guidance of all the members.
11.7 All elections or other matters for decision by ballot at the General Meeting
shall be held under the authority of the Council or a Sub-Committee
appointed specifically for the purpose by the Council.
11.8 The Secretary General or any Sub-Committee appointed by the Council
for the purpose of issuing ballot forms shall issue them only to voting
11.9 All ballot forms must not be signed by the voters who mark or inscribe
them. The Council or the Sub-Committee may appoint scrutineers for
supervising the balloting process and for collecting, counting and checking
the votes.
11.10 The minutes of the Annual General meeting and any intervening
Extraordinary General Meeting shall be confirmed at the next Annual
General Meeting.
12 Votes of Members
Only Founder Members, Fellows and Full Members of the College are
voting members and have the right to vote for any purpose under the rules
of the College, provided that all monies presently payable by him have
been paid.
13 The Council
13.1 The government of the College and the conduct of its business shall be
rested in the Council.
13.2 The Council shall consist of at least 3 and no more than 15 voting
members of the College, which should at least consist of the President, the
Vice- President and the Secretary General. The elected members of the
Council shall elect among themselves for each office position before the
new Council begins.
13.3 The Council shall serve a term of 2 years beginning 1st of January
immediately after the bi-annual Council election to 31st of December the
year after, both days inclusive. All current Council members shall be
eligible for re-election.
13.4 A list of all the officers and their office titles shall be displayed at the
registered office of the College.
13.5 Council members shall be residing in Hong Kong.
13.6 In the event of death, resignation or dismissal of any member of the
Council or when any Council member is unavoidably absent from Hong
Kong and such absence is likely to be permanent or unduly prolonged, the
Council shall determine whether the vacancy shall be filled in the
remaining time of the term. If affirmative, it shall be filled by the
candidate who secured the next highest number of votes at the last Council
election. If the Council member vacating his office is concurrently an
office holder as stated in this Article 13.2, the vacant office shall be filled
from among all the Council members. Any resultant vacancies for office
holders shall be filled in the same manner as aforesaid.
14 Proceedings of the Council
14.1 The Council may meet together for the despatch of business, adjourn and
otherwise regulate their meeting as they may think fit. Meetings of the
Council may be convened on the request of the President or by requisition
in writing signed by two members of the Council stating the objects for
which such meetings are to be convened and forwarded to the Secretary
General. A member of the Council who is absent abroad shall not be
entitled to notice of a meeting.
14.2 The President of the College shall be the Chair of every Council meeting.
In the absence of the President, the Vice- President present shall chair the
14.3 Over half of the total number of Council members present shall form a
quorum. All decisions of the Council shall be valid if they are made by a
majority of votes.
14.4 In the case of an equality of votes, the Chair of the meeting shall be
entitled to a second or casting vote.
14.5 The Council may, if it thinks fit, transact any of its business by the
circulation of papers, and a resolution in writing approved by a majority of
the members thereof shall be valid and effectual as if it had been passed at
a meeting of the Council.
14.6 The Council shall pursue the objects of the College and shall protect its
funds against extravagance or misappropriation. It may give instructions as
to the investment of the funds of the College.
14.7 The Council shall give instructions to the Secretary General and other
office-holders for the conduct of the affairs of the College. It may appoint
paid staff and may dismiss them for reasons deemed good and sufficient in
the interests of the College. It may appoint and delegate sub-Committees
any of its powers and duties PROVIDED that no delegation made
hereunder shall preclude the Council from exercising or performing at any
time any of the powers and duties so delegated and may dissolve them at
any time deemed fit and proper by the Council.
14.8 The Council may suspend or dismiss any member of the Council for
neglect of duty, dishonesty, incompetence, refusal to carry out the
decisions of the General Meeting and of the Council, or for any other
reasons deemed good and sufficient in the interests of the College. Council
member suspended or dismissed may appeal to the General Meeting.
14.9 The Council may discipline or expel from the College any member who is
proved to its satisfaction to have been guilty of conduct prejudicial to the
interests of the College. Any member disciplined or expelled may appeal
to the General Meeting.
14.10 Subject to the overriding authority of the General Meeting, all decisions of
the Council shall be binding on all members of the College.
14.11 The Council shall interpret the rules, determine any points that the rules do
not adequately cover, and effect changes for the immediate interest of the
College. Any such alterations shall be reported at the General Meeting for
14.12 The Council may appoint Honorary Advisers who have great contribution
to the field of Radiography. The Honorary Advisers shall not have the
right to interfere with the administration and affairs of the College nor
have the right to vote. They may be invited to attend meetings for
15 The Seal
15.1 The College shall have a common seal that shall only be used by the
authority of the Council.
15.2 Any contracts or instruments made by the Council to which the common
seal of College is affixed shall be signed by an officer appointed by the
Council for the purpose and countersigned by the President.
16 Management of Monies and Properties
16.1 The income and property of the College, whencesoever derived, shall be
applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the College as set
forth in these Articles; and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred,
directly or indirectly, by way of dividend, bonus, or otherwise howsoever
by way of profit, to the members of the College. PROVIDED that nothing
herein shall prevent the payment, in good faith, of reasonable and proper
remuneration to any officer or servant of the College, or to any member of
the College, in return for any services actually rendered to the College, nor
prevent the payment of interest at a rate that is the same as The Hongkong
and Shanghai Banking Corporation's HKD Best Lending Rate per annum on
money lent, or reasonable and proper rent for premises demised
or let by any member to the College; but so that no member of the Council
or governing body of the College shall be appointed to any salaried office
of the College or any office of the College paid by fees, and that no
remuneration or other benefit in money or money's worth shall be given by
the College to any member of such Council or governing body except
repayment of out-of-pocket expenses and interest at the rate aforesaid on
money lent or reasonable and proper rent for premises demised or let to the
College; PROVIDED that the provision last aforesaid shall not apply to
any payment to any company in which such member shall not hold more
than one-hundredth part of the capital, and such member shall not be
bound to account for any share of profits he may receive in respect of any
such payment.
16.2 The management and control of all monies and assets of the College shall
be vested in the Council and proper books of accounts shall be kept for